Wednesday, March 14

Simplify Your Life

My devotional reading this morning was from Isaiah 57:10 "You were wearied with the length of your way (in trying to find rest and satisfaction in alliances apart from the true God), yet you did not say, There is no result or profit"

What?  Sometimes the message isn't always clear and I have to do some searching to find out what it means.  The author of the devotional gave one translation of this verse "You are wearied out through the multiplicity of your ways" and she goes on to explain that if we have multiplicity in our lives, the answer is simplicity.  Oh, okay (open hand, knock to the head, like 'oh, I coulda had a V8') I get it!

If we are so busy with things, these things may take our focus away from God - the more we have, the more busy we are and pulled in many directions that cause us to lose focus.  There's that word again, FOCUS!  I admit that I get distracted easily and can sway from the course I've set.  But, when the Lord is calling you to stray from your norm, I think we need to listen.

I have this internal struggle going on as to what to do, look for a job, start a business, relax and explore.  The possibilities keep shooting through my brain  This move to PA and the search for a job has left me searching for direction and purpose in my life.  But, it seems the more I look the more confused I am.  One day I am set with the path I want to take, then something or someone will steer me away.  Or, is it me driving away from that direction?  Who knows.  So, I am trying to spend a lot of quiet time listening for God's direction.  I sometimes feel that it is taking too long, and when my hubby mentions the job thing I get all worked up because I just don't know what is right.

So as I ramble on, I need to get back to my original thought.  The reading today gave me an idea that maybe my life is too full of 'stuff' and 'things' that are stealing my focus away from God and what is important to Him. Multiplicity.  I need to release some things.  I pray that once I simplify, I may see a clearer path to where the Lord wants me to go.


  1. I would love to ride my bike on that trail....Where is it?

  2. it's the old highway 88 in AZ - connects all the lakes together
