Wednesday, July 15

The Trailer

Well, just to keep you updated on what's happening here in AZ, the Stuck's are now the proud owners of a Jayco Feather 25ft trailer. We've been talking, looking, saving and talking some more about graduating from our pop-up to a bigger trailer for a few years now and I thought I would share our news. Otto's been looking for awhile, but we kept putting it off, saving more, but I finally gave in and went looking with him a few months ago. Whew, what a task, in and out of trailers, this lot, drive across the city to the other one, in and out of trailers, several times - not so smart in the Arizona during the summer!
We quit looking for awhile and then one weekend last month he convinced me again to head to the lot. Lucky for us someone just traded in a trailer that fit just what we were looking for.
A few days later, we were the proud owners, and we brought it home, spent the weekend cleaning it and putting the 'stuck' touch to it. We found a storage lot where we can 'house' it close by since it won't fit in our garage (bummer, but I do get to put my car in there once again!).
We are really excited about taking it out soon, may not be till beach camping in CA, but none the less, we are very excited!

Thursday, July 9

God's Perfect Timing

Why do we try to undermine our Father? His timing is perfect, yet we try to manipulate and control things that are really out of our control ~ He has a plan for us, we just need to listen and wait.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It is hard, sometimes to just sit and wait for the Lord. We want to jump in and help out wherever we can. I'm not saying we should always sit idly while someone is in need, but we don't always have to try to fix things! I am a fixer. I can't help it sometimes, I just want people to be happy and for some reason, I feel I am the person who will bring happiness. Wow, how conceited is that?

Really, I am inclined to jump in and help out whether that is what God wants me to do or not; it takes a lot of restraint not to just jump in and give my two cents (or more!)

My prayer for you today (and me, of course) is that we stop, wait and listen for the Lord, His timing is perfect and if we give Him the chance, He will work all things for good!

Update on Dean ---- He is being moved to a long term care facility where he will begin the process of physical and hopefully, some behavioral therapy! Tina, along with his parents are driving him there this morning. Kaya and Eden will be flying to Arizona to spend some time with Grandma, then Tree will pick them up and go to California for a few weeks - the kids need some vacation time and this will give Tina a chance to get things in order. I'll fill you in on his progress, please continue praying for his strength to fight this fight!