Friday, April 23

26.2 for Thing 4, 3 and 2

We just got back for LP Stadium where we watched the Kids' 26.2 Marathon sponsored by the YMCA of Middle Tennessee.  It was so awesome and sooo organized.  The kids were to run 25 miles in March and April on their own or with an after-school program and then tonight complete the last mile at the actual Marathon Finish Line - so we all piled in the van (minus one 13 year old who was at the street fair with friends) and headed out to the stadium at 4pm this afternoon.  Forgot to mention that Otto, Leanna and I headed to downtown Nashville this morning to pick up our race numbers and timing tags too.  Got pumped up and saw the course which only has a few hills (thank God) so we are ready to go.   Headed out tomorrow am at 5:30am! 

Here's a pic of the kids each sprinting the last 100 yards and then at the Finish with their medals - how cool was it to watch!

Gill, Will and LuLu with their medals after the mile run!

Willie J
Gill Beans


  1. It was so cool. After the race I hung out with Nani(Cheryl), and Popi(Otto). It was really fun to run around the field. Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh,this is gilly bean talking!! (I am awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
