Thursday, June 16

Don't Give Up

Life sometimes throws you a curve ball - kinda looks like a normal pitch on delivery, then bam, it floats in and you watch it land in the catcher's mitt, you are frozen.  Ask any ball player, curve balls are the nemesis of many a batter.  So, how do you prepare for the curve ball?  Practice, patience and perseverance.  Never give up thinking that you can hit it!

This scripture landed in my InBox today, it seems that lately, each day's message is talking directly to me!  Check it out....

So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. ~ Galatians 6:9

How many times do you feel like giving up?  You swing, strike, you watch, strike.... It isn't always easy to stay in the game.  This past week life threw us a curve ball, still frozen in the box we anticipate the next pitch.  You bet we're gonna hang in there and swing away.  

We refuse to be discouraged and givie up, we are keeping our eye on the ball and looking at the next opportunity and being grateful; we have so much to be thankful for.  The upcoming birth of the sweet baby Stuck, our youngest son and his wife becoming parents.  The return of the Hanson family to the U.S. and a much closer plane ride! 

  So many things that we look at as doors closing or opportunities missed some times turn out to be the 'meat pitch', one that you can blast over the fence for that home run!   You just have to face the pitcher with an attitude of bring it, curve or fast ball, and take that swing.  Never giving up!

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