Thursday, November 19

Happy Birthday Otto

Wishing my hubby and best friend a wonderful birthday week!  Celebrated last night with taco salad, carrot cake, a glass of wine and a movie (Star Trek) with neighbors!  Now, off to Tucson!

O and Jess are riding the century at el Tour de Tucson!  Now, we've all done long rides before and I loved the experience but I don't think I ever said, "for my birthday this year, I want to ride 109 miles in a day"!  Well, that's what he and Jess are going to do!  We are preparing a 'carb up' meal Friday night, and grilling a celebratory steak dinner Sat night.  While the boys are riding on Sat, Cindy and I plan to work on our bible study music and address lists, stuff we need to do but don't seem to find the time.  We are staying at a resort outside of Tubac, so should be the perfect scenery for some meditation, soul searching and relaxing!

Join me, in praying for a safe ride for the two of them and a restful, relaxing weekend for Cindy and me!

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