The season of Advent is the time of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas - How are you preparing your heart? I know this post may be a little off topic for Advent, but when thinking about preparing my heart I have to think about what it is my heart craves and what it is that Jesus wants from us. If my heart is craving other things that are 'of this world', I have no room for what is truly important, the stuff 'not of this world'. So, in preparing my heart and mind for the coming of Christ this season. I am going to try and focus on what it is that He wants for me, not what I want.
Well, when I was at a potluck for my Bible Study last night, the scripture below was quoted during the evening at some point. My ears perked up when I heard Philippians 4 mentioned as 4:13 is one of my favorites! But, I seldom include the other two verses before when I quote it, 4:11-12. Paul learned to be content with whatever his circumstance was, but how? How do we learn to accept where and what God has chosen for our lives? How do we accept our circumstances? Paul knew that giving his heart to Christ, completely and fully regardless of his situation meant a closer relationship with His Saviour.
That is what I am longing for this Advent Season, a closer relationship with Him. So, this year as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, I hope that I can remember to make room for Him, I must purge the things of this world that distract me from being content.