So much going on.....finding doctors, filling prescriptions, looking for (and finally finding) a place to live, coordinating (and negotiating) final move with relocation company, resume writing, address changes, registration, license renewal and job hunting! Whew, throw in a few visits with friends and family, trying to stay fit and eat healthy and there you have it! The Perfect Storm. Okay, thanks for letting me vent.
I have to say thanks to J and Corynn for letting us crash here, their lives are just as busy with work, doctor's appointments, coaching, day care and taking care of a toddler; plates are full all around the table at 8724 Pine Ave!
As I throw my frustrations out in this post I feel a weight lifted and a sense of peace and settling in my soul. How is that possible you ask? What I do know is that the Lord's Hand is in on all of it and there is really no need for worry - I guess the best way I can put it is He is there beside me, He is calming my soul, not the storm. Sometimes the storm passes and we are okay, other times he quiets us and amidst the chaos, we are calmed.
I know a few posts back I wrote how unsettled I was and realized I wasn't turning to the right source of strength and power. I guess now I am releasing it all to Him and allowing the Almighty to work in my life! As I review the list above, it still exists with tasks slowly getting checked off, but still I feel a sense of peace and positiveness as I move forward this morning.