Matthew 7:24, 26 says:
Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on rock... But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
We'd like to think that our house is built on rock, one that is firm and will withstand anything. The recent quakes in Japan have caused me to pause and think. The lives lost and the tragedy that has affected many families has led me to revisit our own foundation and relationships with Christ. Is our house built on rock, or shifting sand? How strong is our foundation of faith?
Most recently, our faith has been tested with Kirby's accident and now his recovery. Prior to that, Corynn and Jason's struggle to have a baby and complications with the pregnancy early on, Tina and the girls starting over and living with us, and the Hanson's move to Turkey last year. I struggle with family members living in other states, my parents just far enough out of daily reach in case of emergencies and the lack of togetherness and support that I long for.
All of these things are not cause to send in the emergency relief, but I do hear a warning siren! Are we building a foundation that is strong, is our relationship with God where we want it to be? Are the bricks we are using based on the wisdom of His Word and not of this world?
As we face the many catastrophes of life, we should be able to forge ahead because we know that we have a strong foundation of faith, and nothing, not even a 9.0 earthquake should be able to rattle this house we have built.